WmobilAttend_Android is an application for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) with Android OS version 4.x and higher. The application is used for attendance evidence of users where a terminal can not be used, or attendance can not be checked on PC. We recommend using a device with a display of 4,5“ and higher.
The WmobilAttend_Android mobile application offers:
registration and authorisation of a mobile device for attendance checking from one or multiple users (depending on the licence you buy). In the multiple registered users mode, the user needs to sign in before checking with a given username and password. A reader head made by WEGA LH can be connected to a tablet with USB interface, which enables sign-in of a user with his given RFID card (please consult the type of requested RFID technology before enquiry)
online/offline checking of attendance events in one of two modes.
First mode „Complete“enables complete evidence of events with an informative counter of time spent in work during the current day and the ability of additional check-in of a missing event from the day, while the SW monitors the current state of the user (whether the application sees him as present or not).
Second mode „Events only“ is appropriate if the user during the day checks, or can check events through a different terminal meant for attendance evidence. In this mode, the app does not check the current state of the user and allows to check incoming or leaving events (even interruption of work time) independent of previous events. It is a simulation of checking on an actual terminal. Mode settings are available in the WIS/K Attendance system application.