Access control system is used to protect and secure objects. Classic keys are replaced by contact or contactless chip identification cards. Terminals are connected in the network with one control center, which is processing and interpreting data according to the level of security on-line.
Attendance system Kriváň is used to register and process attendance of employees. It has interface to other information systems (ATHOS, DATALOCK, Elanor, Emel, HOUR, IBM DASSCO, KODAS, KROS Olymp, Navision, OptimalSoft, ProCes, SAP R/3, SOFTIP, VEMA, ...). It is designed for all organizations - from state administration through banks to companies.
Communication station is basic module for communication with terminals (reading units). It can work as background service of Windows NT/2000/XP.
Visit system is an application software for recording visits in companies. Visitor's first contact and impression comes from the entrance of a building, from a lodge. Second, the most important place for outside communication is a switchboard. On both places, fast and accurate information must be given. Our visit system integrates all needed features.
Identification cards can be used for cashless payments in many catering facilities - company canteens, hotels and restaurants. With software components, it is possible to enable meal deduction payments.
Thin Client Server Computing technology is accessing, managing and storing applications centrally on the server. It offers advantages of better management, access, performance and security, helping to decrease expenses. Client devices, "thick" or "thin", have immediate acces to business applications via server, without need to rewrite or record it on the client side.